Frontend Domination - Create Anything With Code.

Web Development 👨🏻‍💻
Animations 👨🏻‍💻

Only ₹ 4999*

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Domin8 the web game with 'Front-End Domination.'! Nail HTML, CSS, JS, and Solve real problems, dive into fun projects, and be interview-ready! 🚀 💻




Frontend Development


which matters.

Beyond Projects, Towards Purpose.

Project 1

Shop Jacket Project

Project 2

Cotton Weave Brand Website

Project 3

Trendline Modern Web UI Development

Project 4

Coding Dribble’s website ( with animations )

Project 5

Complete Responsive Project - Retro Website

Project 6

ReactJS based Project - Refokus - Creating Awwwarded brand.

Project 7

ReactJS based Project - ExoApe - Modern Animated Project

Project 8

ReactJS based Functional Project - Movie Showcase App


From Start to Victory.

1. Course Walkthrough

1. Essentials - So you don’t fail

2. Introduction - Getting Started

2. HTML - Making Architecture

1. HTML - Deep Dive

2. HTML5 - Semantic

3. CSS - Styling things up.

1. CSS Basics - Understanding Core Concepts

2. CSS Grid Layout

3. CSS Projects - Elevate Your Design Skills

4. Responsive Web Development

5. CSS Animations - Styling things up.

6. CSS Responsive Project

7. CSS Bonus Project

8. Tailwind CSS

4. JavaScript - Everything about JavaScript

1. JavaScript - The Foundation

2. Advance JavaScript - God level JS

3. Asynchronous Javascript

4. JS Animations - DOM Functionality Adding Interactivity

5. JS Tasks - Mastering practical development challenges

6. Real Life Developer Problems

7. JS Interview Preparation

5. GSAP and Locomotive - Fun Stuff

1. GSAP - Master Animations with GreenSock

2. Locomotive - Silky Smooth Scroll

3. Bonus Project - GSAP and Locomotive

6. Final Project - Obys Agency Clone

1. Obys Agency Clone - Let's Build It.

2. Obys Agency Clone - Let's Host It.

7. React JS

1. React JS - All Essential ReactJS Concepts

2. React JS - Introduction and History

3. React JS - Hands-On Project

8. React JS Project - Refokus Clone

1. Refokus Clone - Let's Build It.

9. Redux

1. Redux - Deep Dive

10. React JS Final Project - SCSDB.

1. SCSDB - Let's Build It From Scratch

11. ExoApe - Bonus Project

1. ExoApe - Let's Build It.

Industry level intense training.

If anything is considered part of backend dev, we’re covering it in this course.

More value,
Less Cost .

Frontend Domination stands tall as the ultimate choice,
delivering top-notch
quality and unbeatable prices.
*Course validity is for 1 year from date of purchanse

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